Global Multi-Asset Portfolio
Keystone is an investment holding company focused on Natural Resources Investments

Core Activities
Keystone Resources is a business with a focus on the exploration, development, and management of mineral resources throughout Latin America. The founders of Keystone, who founded the company in 2022, have backgrounds in mineral exploration, mine operations, and investment banking. Its partners and associates have vast experience running domestic and international private and public mining firms. Keystone wants to establish itself as a market-leading mineral portfolio firm by creating world-class mining assets while balancing social, environmental, and economic sustainability.

Gold Mining Development
Exploration and development of early to advanced stage gold projects in Latin America.

Mining Portfolio
Multi-asset portfolio of exploration/development and producing gold properties in Latin America.

Investment & Trading Development
Capital raising and structuring for investments in the acquisition or combination of gold projects in Latin America; gold trading.
The Juruena Project
Alta Floresta Belt – Brazil
The Juruena Project in Brazil is located in the well-known gold province, Alta Floresta Belt in the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil.
Juruena contains a current Global Mineral Resource Estimate (JORC 2012) of 1.9Mt for 387koz Au at 6.3 g/t, comprising of various adjacent gold deposits with the potential to increase the Mineral Resource. The project contains 28 mineral claims spread over an area of 89,000 hectares, and has excellent historical databases, including Au/multi-element >70k meters of drilling data. Keystone intends to commence gold production in 2024.

Brazilian Gold Targets
Brazil has been one of the world’s most important gold producers since the mining rush during the colonial times in the 1500s.
Keystone Resources possesses an active pipeline of gold projects in various stages of development, from greenfield, brownfield to producing mines.
Keystone’s Partners
Keystone works with a number of key partners globally who are market leaders in their respective fields.
Our Guidelines
Contact Info
BRAZIL: Rua Bernardo Guimarães, 245, 5th Floor – Funcionários
Belo Horizonte/MG, CEP 30.140-080, Brazil
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